Lulu Chandon Escort in Marbella

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671115663 Whatsapp

Without my company, your life can become quite boring. I am Lulu Chandon, a fun and cheerful girl in Marbella. I truly love the company of others; I want people to smile and live life to the fullest. I am a girl who enjoys going out, enjoying life, meeting new people every day, and sharing moments. I love to travel and have fun both in conversation and intimacy.

I enjoy having coffee, cooking, watching a good movie together, eating white chocolate, listening to music, working out, sweets, desserts, talking, and listening to music, the beach, and many other things... all fun!

A city and many people to meet. A city and many corners to discover.
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Hobbies of Lulu Chandon

Parties GFE Girlfriend Experience Go to Events Shopping Dancing Partying Go out to dinner Go out Weekend Travel Dinner with Friends Dining in Couples Privat Parties private-events Shopping Luxury Events Uncovered face


Latin Girls Brazilian Brunette

About me

see my website
Age: 26 years
Nationality: Brésilienne
Languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian

Location map in Marbella

Photos of Lulu Chandon
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Location map in Marbella

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