Sara Escort in Alicante

602682239 Whatsapp
602682239 Whatsapp

Hello, my name is Sara, and everyone who knows me usually describes me as a kind, cheerful girl with a lot of personality. I have always stood out for having a special energy, and I am eager to meet people who are ready to have a great time by my side. I love going out to dinner at the most romantic restaurants in the city, by candlelight and with a good glass of wine. Then, the best plan is to go dancing to the rhythm of my favorite songs until dawn. On the other hand, I like to take care of my body by exercising daily and undergoing multiple beauty treatments. I also adore doing yoga and meditating quite often.
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Hobbies of Sara

Parties GFE Girlfriend Experience Shopping


Latin Girls Colombian Brown hair

About me

Age: 27 years
Nationality: Colombien
Languages: Spanish, English

Location map in Alicante

Photos of Sara
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This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock
This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock

Location map in Alicante

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