Bruna Escort in Madrid

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641298758 Whatsapp

Hello, I'm Bruna, a cheerful and affectionate girl eager to expand my knowledge and experience new adventures. I consider myself an intense and dedicated woman in everything I do, while always remembering to respect others. I love outdoor activities, and my favorite place of all is the beach. Between the sand and the water, countless emotions are experienced at any time of the year. From the calm and solitude of winter to the incessant bustle of summer, I always find moments for both. Yoga is the activity that helps me balance my body and mind the most, and it's something I can practice on my own outdoors or attend group sessions. Taking care of my body and facial beauty is another plan I never skip week after week. I apply meticulously studied skincare routines to my complexion and hair so that I can showcase the best version of myself. If you're interested in sharing these exciting activities with me, just give me a call!
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Hobbies of Bruna

Attention to couples Parties GFE Girlfriend Experience Go to Events Shopping Dancing Partying Go out to dinner Go out Weekend Travel Dinner with Friends Dining in Couples Privat Parties private-events


Brazilian Blondes University Students Independent

About me

Age: 29 years
Nationality: Bélizienne
Languages: Spanish, Portuguese

Location map in Madrid

Photos of Bruna
This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock
This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock
This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock
This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock
This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock

Location map in Madrid

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