Iris Escort in Valencia

652547907 Whatsapp
652547907 Whatsapp
With patience and determination, the doors to my domain open, and you step into a world governed by female domination. I am Domina Iris Shuki, your owner and mistress the moment you kneel before me.

I will guide you along the path of servitude, surrender, and devotion to my person and my teachings, developing your facets.

I take pleasure in submitting you to me and fulfilling all that you have always desired.

If I had to describe myself, I would have to delve into every lived situation and every acquired knowledge.

I am each one of you.

I see myself as a mirror in which I compel you, with patience and determination, to look at yourself without fear or prejudice. Perhaps it is the most cruel and beautiful thing you have ever seen, the most difficult and enjoyable encounter you have faced, everything you desire and fear at the same time.
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Hobbies of Iris

Attention to couples Parties Go to Events Shopping Dance Salsa Partying Go out to dinner Go out Weekend Travel Privat Parties private-events Shopping Luxury Events


European Spanish Blondes Whatsapp Independent

About me

see my website
Age: 33 years
Nationality: Espagnol
Languages: Spanish, Català, English, Italian

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Photos of Iris

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