Gabriella Escort in Barcelona

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606705794 Whatsapp
I'm Gabriella, a very flirtatious girl. I'm very feminine and have great taste in everything, from decoration to clothing styles. I studied a degree in Tourism and Event Management, along with many other qualifications I hold. Currently, I run a family-owned real estate business. As I walk through the city, I see so many beautiful and elegant people... I can feel their gazes on me since I tend to dress quite boldly; I like to be provocative. I wear fitted dresses with high heels, pencil skirts with tailored jackets. It makes me feel confident as I pass by, and I enjoy attracting those looks. From a young age, I was instilled with the values of independence, which is why I started looking at agencies; this way, I could achieve my financial independence and, most importantly, have time for myself to enjoy life as I like. It's amazing to be able to earn money doing what I love the most, meeting new people, and having more time to pursue my goals.
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Hobbies of Gabriella

Attention to couples Parties Go to Events Shopping Partying Go out to dinner Go out Weekend Travel Dinner with Friends Dining in Couples Privat Parties private-events Shopping Luxury Events


Spanish Brunette Independent

About me

Age: 38 years
Nationality: Espagnol
Languages: Spanish, Català, English, French, Italian, Portuguese

Location map in Barcelona

Photos of Gabriella

Location map in Barcelona

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