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Home General conditions
Important Announcement
Hottescorts does not offer advertising services that promote prostitution. is a directory in which its advertisers offer professional escort services for events and other celebrations to both women and men. Hottescorts reviews and eliminates all content related to illegal advertising of prostitution services that violate article 11 of Organic Law 10/2022.

General Conditions

This document establishes the general conditions of the contractual relationship whose purpose is the provision of services offered from this Web page (page oriented for adults (+18)), and which is owned and owned by Insightfulboost, LLP (hereinafter, "HOTT" or "THE SERVICE PROVIDER") with address at 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor London, W1W 7LT (UK), and the natural persons (hereinafter, "ADVERTISER") who express their willingness to advertise through the request made via the Internet through that website.

These requests from the ADVERTISER the particular conditions to which these general conditions are associated, which the ADVERTISER must necessarily accept electronically prior to publication. of the ad. The ADVERTISER is exposed to these conditions through this same website, so that they can read, print, file and accept them. These general conditions together with the request to advertise to the website carried out by the ADVERTISER imply the formalization of the contract for the provision of services between the SERVICE PROVIDER and the ADVERTISER who claims to have read, understood and accepted these conditions. The ADVERTISER may always consult these general conditions through this website.


By these General Conditions, the SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to publish to the ADVERTISER the advertisement that the latter has requested, during the pre-established period of time, through the website in exchange for a certain price.

By using the advertise form available on this Web page, the ADVERTISER declares that:

  1. That he is a person over 18 years of age and with the capacity to contract.
  2. That you have read, understood and accept these General Contract Conditions.
  3. That you have decided to complete the registration process as an ADVERTISER directly and of your own free will, without any coercion from third parties in your decision that you have made freely.


The SERVICE PROVIDER reserves the right to modify these General Conditions at any time, without the need to notify the ADVERTISER in advance, which in any case is responsible for reviewing them as a prerequisite for the publication of any advertisement on this Web page. In any case, the General Conditions displayed on the Web page at the time the ADVERTISER publishes the ad will be considered valid and applicable.


Complete all the sections of the Advertisement contracting form.
Do not write the Announcement in capital letters.
Use a minimum of 100 characters per Ad.
At a general level, the ADVERTISER knows and accepts by accepting these Conditions that HOTT does not review, validate, approve or in any way audit the content of the advertisements or the data attached to it, since the registration process is carried out in a automatically by completing a series of mandatory data. For all these reasons, the only person responsible for the entire content of the ad, as well as that it does not breach the requirements set forth below or with current laws, is the ADVERTISER.
Acceptance of any type of advertisement that is or in which any reference is made to subjects under 18 years of age is not granted. Thus, the ADVERTISER undertakes that the Advertisement, its content and any material that Users can access, complies with current regulations on advertising, including that carried out by electronic means, as well as with any other applicable regulations, and, especially , the one related to telecommunications, protection of consumers and users, right to honor, privacy and self-image, and protection of minors and children.
The repeated use of symbols or keywords is not accepted, the ads must be readable in Spanish. It is not perReduced the inclusion of url's redirecting to other websites. In addition, it is established as a prohibition of the use of iframes within the "text" field of the ad or any other html or javascript element that makes the ad display elements hosted outside the servers of the Web page.
Content that points to or promotes sexual, racial, religious discrimination or any other violation of fundamental rights recognized by our Spanish Constitution cannot be included on the website.
The insertion of advertisements in which the ADVERTISER usurps the identity of third parties is considered non-consensual.
Ads that induce or incite to act illegally or that violate current regulations in Spanish, Community and international territory are prohibited.
Impossibility of entering telephone numbers or emails that do not correspond to the ADVERTISER or that coincide with a premium rate, that is, those that have prefixes such as 806, 807, etc. In addition, telephones that are delimited outside of Spanish territory are not allowed. Or, promotions of premium SMS services with special rates. Only landlines and mobile phones from any Spanish operator can be used on the website.
The SERVICE PROVIDER is not responsible for the quality of the images that are inserted in the advertisement and their subsequent display. It is recommended to the ADVERTISER that the images uploaded have the following resolution: 390 X 580.
Posts containing false information are prohibited. The responsibility for the veracity of the data entered rests exclusively with the ADVERTISER, so in the event that false data has been provided to the SERVICE PROVIDER, it grants the SERVICE PROVIDER the right to exclude the ADVERTISER from the website. In addition, the SERVICE PROVIDER reserves the right to request from the ADVERTISER as much information as it deems necessary to verify the veracity of the ad (name, full address, ID, telephone,... etc.) and the ADVERTISER is obliged to provide it.
The SERVICE PROVIDER reserves the right to delete without prior notice in the event that it becomes aware that any advertisement that it considers does not comply with the conditions of use, in addition to blocking the ADVERTISER in case of non-compliance with these general conditions of use of the site. Web.
The SERVICE PROVIDER is not responsible for the content of the advertisements that are hosted on the website, nor for the consequences that may arise from them.
In light of the foregoing, ADVERTISER acknowledges and accepts that any contractual or non-contractual relationship that, where appropriate, is formalized with users of the Website or third parties contacted through it, are understood to be carried out solely and exclusively between the ADVERTISER and the User. of the Web page and/or the third person. Consequently, the ADVERTISER accepts that THE SERVICE PROVIDER does not have any kind of responsibility, neither direct, nor indirect, nor subsidiary, for the damages or losses of any nature that could be caused due to the negotiations, conversations and/or contractual relations or non-contractual that users or third parties formalize with him.
Consequently, the ADVERTISER agrees to indemnify the SERVICE PROVIDER, immediately that it is required to do so, for all expenses, costs, damages and losses of any kind (including lawyers' and solicitors' fees, although their intervention is not mandatory) incurred as a consequence of any claim, effective or imminent, of any kind, related to the publication or communication to the public of the advertisement or its content, including those based on violation of industrial or intellectual property rights, slander, defamation, breach of duty of confidentiality, disclosure of secrets, breach of any legal or regulatory duty and/or illegal, false or misleading advertising.


3.1. Publication of the ad.- The SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes solely and exclusively to publish the ad as completed by the ADVERTISER in the previous form where the particular conditions attached to these General Conditions are stated. The SERVICE PROVIDER will not be responsible for the content posted by the ADVERTISER or for acts committed by third parties. Since most of the content of the Web site comes from users and third parties, the SERVICE PROVIDER cannot guarantee the diligence of the contents posted by the ADVERTISER or the communications issued by the users, nor the quality, security or legality of what the website offers. The SERVICE PROVIDER does not guarantee continuous or secure access to our services. Accordingly, to the extent legally permissible, all implied warranties are excluded.
3.2. Responsibility of the SERVICE PROVIDER. In no case will be responsible in relation to:
3.2.1. Errors, delays in access by the ADVERTISER when entering their data in the form for the publication of the ad, the slowness or impossibility of its publication or any anomaly that may arise when these incidents are due to network problems of the Internet, causes of fortuitous event or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of the company.
3.2.2. Of the errors or damages produced by an inefficient use of the service and in bad faith by the ADVERTISER.
3.3 Guarantees:
The SERVICE PROVIDER is not obliged to indemnify the ADVERTISER or third parties for the consequences of the publication of an advertisement on the website, whether they are loss of money, goodwill or reputation, or any kind of special, direct or indirect damage. or emerging, resulting from the use of the website by the ADVERTISER.


4.1. Payment.- The ADVERTISER undertakes to pay in advance the amount for the publication of the advertisement actually requested in the following amount and manner:
4.1.1. Amount.- The remuneration for the service actually requested by the ADVERTISER, will be the one indicated on the Web page and the one that appears in the specific request of the ADVERTISER at any time, requests that will constitute the particular conditions of the specific service. The prices of the services that appear on the website include VAT, the amount of which will be calculated at the time of formalizing the publication of the ad, as appropriate.
4.1.2. Methods of payment.- The ADVERTISER must pay the amount corresponding to the requested service through:

  • Credit card: entering your data in the existing virtual POS on the website. By accepting this means of payment, the ADVERTISER confirms that he is authorized to use the card used for this purpose, being the owner thereof. Card payments are subject to the provisions of Law 16/2009, of November 13, on payment services, especially everything related to payment orders and the conditions for their revocation.

4.2. Responsibility of the ADVERTISER.- In any case, it will be the responsibility of the ADVERTISER when the advertisements fall within the stipulations of the THIRD section of these conditions and may be removed from the website by the SERVICE PROVIDER, even when payment has been made.
4.3 In no case will the ADVERTISER's decision to terminate the service before the end of the period of time for which they had contracted it, will give them the right to request a refund of the amount proportional to the time not enjoyed.


5.1.- The SERVICE PROVIDER does not assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect, inappropriate or illegal use of the information that appears on
With the limits established by law, the SERVICE PROVIDER does not accept any responsibility derived from the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and precision of the data or information contained on the website.
The Web page may contain links (links) to other third party pages that it cannot control. Therefore, the SERVICE PROVIDER cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages.
5.2.- Along the same lines, the SERVICE PROVIDER will in no case be responsible for:
5.2.1.- Failures and incidents that may occur in communications, deletion or incomplete transmissions in such a way that it is not guaranteed that the website services are constantly operational.
5.2.2.- Of the production of any type of damage that the ADVERTISER or third parties could cause on the website.
5.3.- The SERVICE PROVIDER reserves the right to suspend access without prior notice at its discretion and definitively or temporarily until effective liability for damages that may occur is ensured.
Likewise, the SERVICE PROVIDER will collaborate and notify the competent authority of these cidents at the moment in which you have reliable knowledge that the damages caused constitute any type of illegal activity.


The SERVICE PROVIDER informs that the contents, the programming and the design of the Web page are fully protected by copyright, being expressly prohibited any reproduction, communication, distribution and transformation of the aforementioned protected elements except with the express consent of the PROVIDER FROM SERVICE. The SERVICE PROVIDER may establish links or hyperlinks to articles or information from third parties, always citing the source. The legitimate owner of the copyright of this information thus included, may request at any time the removal of the aforementioned references.
With the acceptance of these Conditions of Contract, the ADVERTISER assigns, free of charge, in favor of HOTT and for the time contracting services, the necessary exploitation rights on the photographs and texts included in the advertisement, for their inclusion on the page. web so that they are freely accessible by any person who, as a User, can access HOTT.


These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. For the determination of the place of celebration of the sale to which these General Conditions are subject, the provisions of article 29 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and of electronic commerce.


In the event that any clause of these General Conditions is declared void, the other clauses will remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the very purpose of these conditions. The SERVICE PROVIDER may not exercise any of the rights and powers conferred in this document, which will not imply in any case the waiver thereof unless expressly recognized by the SERVICE PROVIDER.