Cintia Escort in Sabadell




Hello, I'm Cintia, a 35-year-old woman currently residing in Sabadell. Originally from the beautiful Dominican Republic, I decided to escape the monotony of my life in search of new experiences and, above all, the possibility of meeting you.

I am a caring and exuberant person, always ready to enjoy life to the fullest. My helpful and discreet personality makes people feel comfortable around me, creating an atmosphere of trust and complicity.

At this moment in my life, I am looking to meet guys in Sabadell with whom I can share passionate and exhilarating moments. I am not seeking long-term commitments but rather a casual relationship that allows us to explore together the intensity of passion and physical connection.

If you are a guy who values passion and adventure, I would be delighted to meet you and explore together the emotions that life has in store for us. I eagerly await the surprises that destiny has reserved for this new chapter of my life in Sabadell!

Hobbies of Cintia

Attention to couples GFE Girlfriend Experience Go to Events Shopping Partying Dining in Couples Privat Parties private-events Shopping


Latin Girls English language Whatsapp

About me

see my website
Age: 35 years
Nationality: Dominicain
Languages: Spanish

Location map in Sabadell

Photos of Cintia
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This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock
This image may contain erotic content. To see this image you must click on the padlock

Location map in Sabadell

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