Aby is a model and escort of high standing who is very young but eager to learn and gain experience in dealing with people and in social behavior. Eager for knowledge and eager to succeed, this Venezuelan blonde has come to Spain to earn a living and succeed in the world of fashion.
When she goes to any meeting or event, Gaby is always alert and attentive. she absorbs everything around her to learn and apply it immediately. She is always very correct and assertive. She listens and tries to please everyone. If she doesn't see it very clearly, she doesn't take the initiative and always maintains a very discreet and professional profile.
In addition to her beauty and her well-groomed body, Aby possesses the energy and determination of youth. She never tires of working and progressing, which makes her a perfect companion for almost all occasions. For her it is an opportunity to earn money, but above all to grow as a person and as a professional.
Luxury Escorts for women and men in Madrid, Barcelona and main European cities. Number 1 on Google.
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